MWWC membership is open to women who are at least 18 years of age. You join initially as a prospective member, which allows you to try us out and decide if the club is for you. Once you register as a prospective member, you will be granted temporary membership for a six-month period, costing $10, and allowing you to join in any suitable club activities. During this time, you will need to complete two qualifying walks within a three-month period to be eligible for full membership. Qualifying walks are walks of at least 12 km in length and will be clearly identified on the booking form with the code QW recorded under Categories. Once you have completed these qualifying walks, you can apply to become a full member.
After successful registration, please read the PROSPECTIVE MEMBER INFORMATION in the Prospective Members menu which provides valuable information to help you navigate the website and book in for your first walk.
If you would like to register as a new prospective member of the club, please click HERE.You will be required to pay your $10 temporary membership fee before submitting the registration form.
If you have previously registered with the club as a member or prospective member or visitor and this registration has lapsed, your attempt to register will fail. Please log in with your previous login credentials and click the LAPSED MEMBERSHIP tab. This will provide options to fix the problem.
If you need help or have any questions, please contact the Membership Secretary via the Contact Us menu or view the FAQ.